
Exams Quizzes Center for Instructional Technology &

One common fashion to design an examination is to give students some choice over which questions they respond. Nosotros meet this almost unremarkably with essays - "write an essay on one of the post-obit three prompts" or the similar. Students may perform better if they tin pick questions where they experience more confident; giving the students some agency may also subtract the incentive to cheat. Unfortunately, Moodle doesn't handle this pattern well, considering it assumes that all questions on a quiz are mandatory. We accept some strategies which enable this design.


1. Add an activity on your form folio on the desired week.

Add an activity

two. Scroll through "Add an activity or resources" popup and click on Quiz.Moodle Quiz

three. Add together a name and a clarification for the quiz.Adding quiz name and description

4. Save and render to the class page.Save and return

five. Click on the same quiz on the grade page.Quiz page

6. Click Edit quiz.Edit Quiz

7. Click Add and select a new question.Adding name to quiz Adding quiz questions

8. Select a quiz type, then add together the question.Type of question to add

9. Brand certain to salve changes.Save changes

Simple Approaches: Give every bit Many Questions as Expected Answers

These approaches have the do good of working well with Moodle's grading system, and they're fast to implement. The simplest version, if y'all're giving multiple possible prompts for a unmarried essay, is only to put them in the Question Text field and have the students clearly characterization which essay they're answering.

If you have more than one essay required (like "write five of these eight brusk reply questions"), you tin accomplish the aforementioned thing by putting the prompts in a Description (the bottom option when adding a question), and so creating one Essay question for each answer the student is required to give. Requite the Essays question names like "Essay Ane" and Question Texts like "Write your first essay here." Again, y'all'll have to direct students to conspicuously label which essay they're answering.

More Circuitous: Treating Each Question Separately

In that location are benefits to having each question exist as a split entity. Having each question separate volition requite you a clear visual indicator in the Quiz grading interface of which questions were more than and less pop. Some faculty like to class all of the answers to a specific question every bit a batch, and separate questions would make that much easier. You can also use this process to create "actress credit" questions on a quiz.

This is a 3-step procedure: setting up the quiz itself, checking the grading options for the quiz, and then making an edit in the Gradebook.

Setting the Quiz itself upwards is very easy - only make one question per question asked.

Setting upward the grading is where this gets a piffling complicated. In the Quiz, enter the appropriate point value for each question - i.e. the number you want to grade the essays out of. You'll observe the "full marks" for the quiz are now significantly inflated, since you've got a maximum score of "all possible questions" instead of "all mandatory questions." For example, if you've got half dozen full questions each graded out of 20 points, but students only have to reply 5, the full marks would be 120 instead of 100.

Screenshot: Edit Quiz page showing inflated "Total Marks"

But we take a mode to deal with this. In the Gradebook, the "Multiplicator" field lets you adjust all scores on an exercise. We'll use that characteristic to calibration the points assigned up to the appropriate percentage.

Take the Moodle "total marks" for the Quiz, and divide information technology past the existent total points you will exist assigning. (Write the consequence down. For the example above, it'south 1.2.)

Become to your Gradebook, and become to Setup. Find the row for the quiz, and click Edit, and then Edit Settings. This will bring up the class settings for the quiz.

Click "Testify more" and observe the Multiplicator field. Enter that caliber you wrote downwards into the Multiplicator field.

Screenshot: Grade Item settings with Multiplicator circled.

(For example, if I offered two essay questions, each graded out of 100 points, I'd have "total marks" of 200 / "real maximum" of 100, for a Multiplicator of 2. If I wanted students to write v of viii brusque answers, each graded out of 10, I'd have total marks of 80 / existent maximum of 50, for a Multiplicator of 1.half-dozen. In the Gradebook, Moodle volition multiply the student's points accomplished past the Multiplicator, and so split past the "total marks", and so they get the appropriate percentage class on the examination.)

We've used essays as our instance, but this would work for any question type. You could likewise use these "optional questions" as "actress credit" questions; if a student does more questions than required, the Multiplicator will automatically give them actress credit upwards to 100% of the exam course.


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