
Free Grammar Quizzes Printable College

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Grammar Diagnostics

Summary of Quizzes

Diagnostics—Beginning Grammer

Diagnostic Starting time Part 1: In my country

A grammar diagnostic page with study links.


I (am / was) ______ born in Istanbul.

The mountains are (also, and so) _____ beautiful.

Diagnostic Beginning Office 2: My sis

A  grammar diagnostic page with study links.


My sister is nineteen, then (have, am) ____ I

She likes (to store / to shopping) _____.

Diagnostics—Intermediate Grammar

Diagnostic – Intermediate 1: "Columbus' Voyage" function 1

This is a grammer diagnostic page with report links.

Columbus and Isabella

Columbus asked Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, "How (much / many) ________ pieces of golden can you give me to find a shorter route to the Eastward Indies?"

Diagnostic – Intermediate two: "Columbus' Voyage" part 2

This is a grammer diagnostic page with study links.

Columbus and Isabella

Columbus' voyage was an important event in (European history, the European history)____ .

Diagnostic – Intermediate three: "The Wiener Races" office 1

This is a grammar diagnostic folio with study links.

dachshund races

(There, It ) ______was April 2004 when…

Diagnostic – Intermediate four: "The Wiener Races" function 2

This is a grammar diagnostic page with written report links.

wiener dogs off

After Frank'south start race, nosotros became (interesting, interested in) _________ going to more races.

Diagnostics—Section Quizzes

Describing word & Modifier Diagnostic: for employ in identifing specific points that need review

persian cat

Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – advanced

Adverb Diagnostic: for use in place specific points that need review

Soccer Player

Quiz 1: start – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – avant-garde

Agreement Diagnostic Quiz: identify specific points that need review

Actress putting handprints in cement

Quiz 1: outset – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – advanced

Article Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

bee pollinating flower

Quiz i: beginning – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – advanced

Conditional Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

Dobosh Torte

Quiz one: beginning – intermediate

Quiz ii: intermediate – advanced

Connector Diagnost: place specific points that need review


Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Gerund Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

cat shower

Quiz 1: first – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Infinitive Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

A helpful friend

Quiz one: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Modal Diagnostic: place specific points that demand review


Quiz ane: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – avant-garde

Modifying Clause Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

Computer Skills

Quiz 1: start – intermediate

Quiz ii: intermediate – avant-garde

Subord Clause Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review


Quiz ane: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Passive Diagnostic: place specific points that need review


Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Past Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

Running with the bulls

Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Preposition Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review

sports shoe

Quiz ane: kickoff – intermediate

Quiz ii: intermediate – advanced

Nowadays Perfect Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review


Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – advanced

Present Tense Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review


Quiz i: beginning – intermediate

Quiz two: intermediate – advanced

Pronoun Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review


Quiz 1: showtime – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Punctuation Diagnostic: identify specific points that demand review

newspaper reader

Quiz i: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Words Conf Diag: identify specific points that need review

Hurricane Sandy

Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate

Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced

Diagnostics—Auto-correcting Quizzes

Participial Modifier Quiz: motorcar-correcting quiz


I was (surprise) _____ to see how much the neighborhood had changed.

Modal Quiz: auto-correcting quiz

apartment hunting

Finding an apartment in San Francisco ____ exist very difficult.

Subordinate Clause Quiz: auto-correcting quiz

cats every where

The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don't know how many…

Report Oral communication Quiz: auto-correcting quiz


"I've been running nigh 5 years now."

The runner replied that…

Sentence Analysis

Pop-Question Annal — from 2008 – to nowadays

How is your food tasting?

How is your food tasting?

Chapter Review

Ch 6-8 Agreement: chapter review – Singular - Plural Agreement


If i of the (baby) _____(cry) call ane of the (nurse) ___.

Ch 12 Noun Clauses: chapter review– Substantive Clauses

computer maze

Do y'all know ___________?
(where will the coming together be / where the meeting will be)

Ch xiii Adj Clauses: affiliate review– Adjective Clauses

Kiddie TV

The commercials that you see on television____ aimed at children.

(is, are)

Ch 16-19 Adverb Phrases: chapter review– Adverbial Phrases & Other

Not a hands-free device

I saw that the driver was not only yelling at her kids merely also she _________.

(talked on her mobile telephone, was talking on her mobile phone)

Ch 19 Connectors: affiliate review– Judgement Connectors and Coordinators


________ I knew Jill'south telephone number, I couldn't remember of it when Jack asked me.

(Considering, Even though, Fifty-fifty)

Ch 20 Conditionals: affiliate review–Conditional and Hypothetical Sentences


My driving depends on whether I have enough money for gas.

I drive _______ coin for gas.

(if I volition have, if I would take, if I have)


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